
19698 requests found

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Requesting Bridge Condition Indexes for all TfL bridges

Do you hold data for London licensed taxis by their emissions class & age please (EURO2,3,4,5,6 etc.) I'm looking for something like table 2/3 in the bus fleet audit document, please.

Please could I obtain a file with latitude/longitude or easting/northing type location data for all of the Santander Cycles station locations.

Dear FOI Officer, Under the Freedom of Information act please could I request a full list of all the sub-contractors/suppliers that are or have worked on the White Hart Lane station These details...

Procurement spending Please could you answer the following questions: 1)Which company do you use to purchase stationery from? 2)Which company do you use to purchase wall clocks from, if different...

Under FOI act, please could you inform me the total number of knowledge of London applicants accepted on the knowledge from 01/11/18 - 31/03/19 by month (ie how many per month accepted), and...

F/on from FOI-3243-1819 I want to know the amount of foot patrols/checks carried out in London on private hire vehicles and hackney carriages from 2013 to the most recent possible data broken...

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible. I would like to receive...

F/on from FOI 3192-1819 Thank you for the response and I do understand but I believe loss of life has occurred because of inaction promised by TFL so I do consider it an important matter and...

Could you send me data on total number of tap ins at Abbey Wood station in March 2019? Second, could I have the same for Pontoon Dock DLR station by week or month covering the past 2 years?