
19433 requests found

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How many passenger alarms were physically pulled on trains on the southbound Northern line from Morden to Bank between January and March 2019?

F/on from FOI-3170-1819 Thank you for your reply to my request, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, for information about wheelchair users who fell off bus ramps in the five years between...

Please provide the daily cleanliness reports for whole of the 90 222 427 607 H98 U4 and A10 bus fleets from 1/2/19 to 24/3/19 Can the information be supplied on one spreadsheet per route

Dear Transport for London, Could you please tell me: 1) How many Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) were issued against vehicles for contravening the loading bay restrictions outside 106 Finchley...

Follow-on from FOI-3354-1819: Would you supply the figure for the King’s Road station quoted as a nominal figure that includes construction inflation and forms part of the £40bn figure. To be...

Please could you provide me with details and copy communications between TFL and its contractor over the failure of its contractor to repair the damaged crash barrier on the A 3 London bound...

Please find enclosed a copy of ICO Decision Notice (FER0755263) . The ICO Decision Notice, para 26, states there are over one thousand properties outside of the 2015 Safeguarding boundary to...

On your website, information on senior salaries is given for latest year as a PDF. In earlier years it was given in XLS format, which can be analysed whereas PDF is like a photograph. Can you...

1 What are the figures behind "current low usage" 2. Please provide a breakdown of operation costs of £1.2m. 3. Pease provide scientific analysis showing that reducing the use of the Routemasters...

Thank you for your response for the attached Freedom of Information Request related to highway bond provision from Home Builders Federation sent on 18th December 2018. Regarding question 3,...