I would like to request a list of all the companies and individuals that you have granted permission to use the London Underground Map commercially in the last 10 years.
Please advise the costs occured when the following TFL publicity is revised for service reasons The maps inside tube trains that show what stations are on the line and should call when this...
A customer would like to know how many London Overground services were cancelled from Enfield Town to Liverpool Street, and what services were cancelled i.e. 18:34 service, 19:02 service etc. Date:...
In accordance with the Freedom of Information act, please could you share with us a copy of the report consultants Mott Macdonald produced at the end of 2018 (we understand December) for the...
I would like information on the cameras surrounding Rotherhithe Tunnel. Please tell me, what cameras there are on the entrances of the tunnel (both directions), what type of camera they are and...
Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. I am looking for information about unpaid congestion charge bills by foreign embassies...
Hi. Can you tell me the following through FOI please? 1) How many applications for exemption have you had requested from advertisers since the ban on HFSS came into force across TfL on February...
I would like to request the Data Sheet of the new Bombardier Class 710 that will enter service on Elizabeth line in Dec 2018. If possible, can you include Top, Side and Front views of the train...
To whom it may concern, I am writing to make a request for the following LUL standard documents under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please send me: 1. A list of All LU specifications...
Dear Sirs, Unless otherwise mentioned all periods of data shall be restricted to 2014-2018. Can you please provide the names of any subcontractors used by TFL in relation to the Docklands Light...