I refer to the recent FOIA Request (ID: FOI-1824-1819) published on 7 February 2019 under the title "Bechtel contract". Your response includes the statement "please find attached the information...
F/O from 2399-1819 I have more questions about standards which you send me. I appreciate if you could answer below. - Platform width Q1:Around the stairs of island platform, I think from...
I wish to know which utility company worked in my road between February and March 2019. This information isn’t available on the street works website.
I was wondering if you can help with me with my request. I am looking to potentially develop an application which will help millions of Londoners potentially ease congestion with the United Kingdom,...
sirs as before please forward into relating to LEVC Taxis operated in the City Plate, real number, registration number, VIN thanks
In 2019 TFL/Mayor announced restructuring of the taxi delicensing scheme, with £10000 top tier payments, under the freedom of information act please can you inform me (1) since the announcement...
Firstly how many Speed cameras are there in the TFL area that are in 30mph zones? And as a second but essential part of that question how many off those cameras are set to trigger (flash) at...
Please could you provide a spreadsheet with the latest OSI passenger usage figures, in the same format as your response to this previous FOI request: (your ref) 1010-1819, https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/out_of_station_interchange_usage Please...
F/O from 2456-1819 Thankyou very much for providing the monthly total passenger numbers on Heritage Route 15 on weekdays and separately the figures for weekends for 2018, 2017 and 2016 (FOI...
Under the Freedom of Information Act can you please provide me with the following regarding Newbury Park Station car park. 1. Is it owned by TFL. If not, by who? 2. Are the non domestic rates...