I am looking for some assistance with your organisation’s Spend/Transparency data, available on the following weblink: https://tfl.gov.uk/corporate/publications-and-reports/expenditure-over-250...
1) I understand the Piccadilly Line on train announcements are available as a FOI request. Whilst I am not after a copy of them, I understand from correspondence on "what do they know" website,...
Freedom Passes and the retention of journey data with TFL. I wish to know the following information regarding Freedom Passes and the retention of journey data with TFL: 1. Why is there no facilities...
Hello, may I have all the daily reviews on the Metropolitan Line made in 2019 from January 1st to 23 of May. Thank You!
Could you please provide me the following information for each pair of adjacent stations (National Rail Station and London Overground Station): (for each row, contains the following columns of...
Do you have the number of Penalty charge notices by type of parking contravention i.e. how many tickets were issued to people for not paying for parking or parking on a red route, yellow lines...
TfL has an 80% mode share for PT and active modes by 2040. What is the calculation method and what trips are counted, for example are trips across the GLA boundary counted. Are components of...
1. How many PCNs have been issued for vehicles travelling south entering the CG at Gloucester Place since Gloucester Place became two-way? 2. How many of these PCNs have been appealed? 3. How...
I am writing further to intended litigation against an undertaker of works in respect of a breach of the New Road & Street Works Act 1991/ a claim in negligence, for information on which Utility...
follow on from FOI-3131-1819 I am writing you again regarding the above mentioned reference case matter sent to you on the 15th February 2019. I will like you to forward all the reported faults...