How many TfL-licensed Private Hire Operators are in each charging tier? Thanks.
Dear Madam/Sir You publish annualised entry and exit data for all TfL stations, COUNTS (LU/LO/DLR/TfL Rail)--2023 // Station annualised entries and exits . Is it possible to break down that...
Please send me the local traffic order relating to the location: A20: Lewisham Way j/w Florence Road S/B SE14 Please confirm where and when this amendment to the previous speed limit of 30mph...
Can you please advise me how TfL actions the removal and enforcement of the above which are 1. visible from the TLRN (for example Commercial and Private Properties) , 2.on all 3rd party assets...
Please provide the air quality measurements, for each air quality monitoring station in Outer London area. Each monitoring station should be identified by it's location and the readings should...
Hi, I’m making a request under the FOI act. I wish to apply for the L4 BA apprenticeship scheme next year and would like to know 1) are apprentices eligible for pay increases during the apprenticeship?...
Poster request for Poems on the Underground, "I Sing of Change" poem by Niyi Osundare To whom it may concern, Poems on the Underground is an art project to feature poetry to London Underground's...
Dear Sirs, I act on behalf of Openreach Limited with regards to damage caused to the BT network. Could you please provide me with a copy of any Opening Notices (Streetworks notices) you have...
Dear Transport for London, I am writing to you with regard to a request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information held by TfL as detailed below. 1. Please...
Is the bus driver allowed to leave the bus whith the doors shut and the passenger's unatended And pasengers need get off the bus so thy use an emergenvy button beacuse the bus driver is buzzy...