
19726 requests found

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Hi I’m writing to complain about this streetspace programme being imposed on Greenwich residents. Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request all relevant information on (1)...

Please can you provide me with the number of people currently studying the knowledge. For both all London green badge and suburban yellow badge sectors.

Hello, I wish to make a freedom of information request as per the Freedom of Information act (2014). This act states I can make a request in writing or by email. Searching your .pdf file (from...

Follow-on from FOI-3870-1920: Having studied the data you published, I can see that a lot of data that did not need to be redacted has been redacted. Once the data is anonymised all, if not...

The current advertising programme contains advertisements with statements by TfL staff making statements on social distancing on tubes and buses along with the need to wear face coverings, Are...

Despite it being the law, many people still travel on TfL without face covering. Leaving aside those who have exemption for medical/psychological reasons, can you please tell me how many people...

This individual is exercising the public's right of access to information regarding completed legal cases bought against Transport for London (TFL). Specifically, the information should detail...

Could you please provide me with the following information? 1. How many staff are employed by TfL to monitor passenger journey data to detect fraudulent use of Oyster cards? 2. Could you please...

Dear Crossrail Limited, To help understand the depth of Train Describer data, published through the Network Rail Open Data platform, I request configuration files for the Train Describer covering...

Dear Crossrail Limited, Please could you provide the track/signalling diagram covering Plumstead depot area, and the connection towards Abbey Wood, in electronic format. Ideally this would be...