
19638 requests found

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Dear Sirs, which Utility had an opening notice/permit to carry out street works (excavation) at (or near to): ____Kingsland High Street Hackney E8 ____ Please review and provide notices which...

The number of Private Hire drivers having their private hire licence revoked or suspended for fraudulent login of operator application since 28/09/20. If costs allow please inform me of those...

Following on from the conversion of timed bus lanes to 24/7 bus lanes, can you tell me: 1) the cost of installing new bus lane cameras, if any 2) the cost of converting existing bus lane cameras...

Good morning, My name is _____________ and i am studying Civil Engineering at the __________. As part of this semester, I am conducting a project on the effects Covid-19 pandemic has upon public...

Dear Transport for London, How many complaints from residents for noise coming from the Railtrack around South Kensignton tube station have you received within the years 2015-2020?

How many round trips does Dial-a-Ride do in the N11 and N13 areas per week in period September to Dec 2019 and then September to date (2020/21)

Dear TfL I'm looking to gain insight on the year over year evolution of how people are paying for their travel on the rail network in Greater London (e.g. 2010 - 2020). Breakdown of payments...

I would like photographic evidence of the diversion in place on 4th August 2020 at 19.10 following the closure of Edgware Road at the junction with Marble Arch. Especially the sign by Great Cumberland...

I am interested in data on how frequently buses are held at the bus stand outside of 250 Bishopsgate, as well as how frequently buses stop at the bus stop outside of 280 Bishopsgate.

Request all information relating to TfL workshop held on on streetscape and bus stop bypasses on 2 December 2020, including what was presented, who attended and what was outcome of the meeting....