
19638 requests found

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In the response to a Coroner's PFD, Gareth Powell wrote that TfL would conduct a safety review of the A12 Colchester Road pelican crossing, in November 2020 Could...

I’d like to know if the speed cameras on Addington Road (A2022) are active or not.

Dear Sirs, I wish to make an FOI request for the contract known as TfL 94458 Freight Training Delivery. Can you please tell me the following? 1. When will this contract be readvertised for...

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act relating to a road your authority is responsible for maintaining. Specifically, my query relates to the Wandsworth Roundabout...

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from TfL. Please may you provide me with: All information and stats relating to sexual assaults...

When is the residents cc discount starting again or is that just a money making scam using covid?

Dear Transport for London, I am writing to request the following under the Freedom of Information Act: (a) Policies and formal evaluation criteria (e.g. templates used to evaluate a cost-to-benefit...

Please send me a copy of audited accounts for London Dial A Ride, London Buses and London Underground for year 2020-21. Which firm will provide tube trains for Piccadilly Line and their costs...

This research conducted by Aldred et al of the University of Westminister’s Active Travel Academy between 2016 and 2019 was funded by TFL: If...

I would like to request for the number of appeals if any, for drivers affected by the road closure of Goswell Road on 14/12/2020 at approx 16:52 due to police closing Goswell Road, and instructing...