FOI request detail

FOIA Request - Post Design Review and Risk Assessment of Detailed Traffic Management Design relating to A20 (Sidcup bypass) Temp 40mph Order 0622

Request ID: FOI-2464-2425
Date published: 23 January 2025

You asked

Information Access Team, Could you please disclose the post design review and risk assessment of the detailed traffic management design relating to Order 0622 made 6 October 2023 by Transport for London under chairman Sadiq Khan. This Order was for a mandatory temporary speed limit reduction to 40mph on the A20 Sidcup bypass. I believe the detailed traffic management design was done by (redacted). I would refer you to requirements under paragraph D2.13.1 of Chapter 8 of the Department for Transport's Traffic Signs Manual, which states"Upon completion of the detailed traffic management design, the proposals, as a whole, should be reviewed by the project designer and a formal risk assessment undertaken. At this stage the programme for the works should be finalised and the traffic management requirements confirmed." Please provide me with the following: 1. The detailed traffic management design 2. The post design review 3. The formal risk assessment of such design

We answered

Our ref: FOI-2464-2425/GH


Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 4 November 2024 asking for information about the A20 (Sidcup bypass) Temp 40mph Order 0622.


Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. 


You are referring to Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual – Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations. The A20 scheme you are referring to was not a temporary situation. Chapter 3 rather than Chapter 8 applies, and this guidance was adhered to – maintaining an overall effect of the signs to provide adequate guidance to drivers of the speed limit. Therefore we do not hold the information you have requested. 


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely


Graham Hurt

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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