Our ref: FOI-2355-2425/GH
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 23 October 2024 asking for information about Order GLA 2023 No.0622 (Sidcup bypass).
Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.
1. Please confirm that the order was not published in The Gazette (official public record), which is where TfL normally publishes traffic orders made under delegated authority. https://www.thegazette.co.uk/.
2. If it was published in the Gazette then please provide me with a copy, the date of publication and the internet link to retrieve it.
As this order was made under S14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act (RTRA), there is no requirement on TfL to publish the order in The Gazette, and therefore it is not TfL’s practice to do so.
3. Please confirm all dates and places where the order was published. If the order was not published, then please confirm this.
There was one notice made under 14(2) which does not require publication under S14 of the RTRA. The order under S14 was made on the 11 October 2023 and published in both the Bromley News Shopper and the Bexley News Shopper on the same day.
4. I have written confirmation from TfL that TfL has not made the Order available for public inspection at TfL’s offices or any other physical location. If this has changed then please let me know where (physical address) and when the Order was made available for public inspection.
The notice and order were made under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which does not require notices under this section to be made available for public inspection at our offices.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely
Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London