Records regarding any products or services related to mobility analysis and data platform software for shared mobility services
Request ID: FOI-1433-2021
Date published: 13 November 2020
You asked
Good afternoon/morning:
I hereby request the following records:
Records regarding the acquisition, maintenance, upgrade and subscription costs of any products or services related to mobility analysis and data platform software for shared mobility services (for example for the analysis and oversight of shared e-scooter services), including but not limited to the following vendors: Remix, Ride Report, Vianova, or Bluecarsharing (Blue Systems).
Records requested include proposals, invoices, purchase orders, contracts, procurement documents (but not limited to solicitation documents or notices of proposed contracts, proposed bids, unsolicited proposals, and/or documents justifying contracting without full and open competition for free or paid services), agreements for data-sharing, and similar documents under which these companies may be a sub vendor from June 1, 2016 to the date of this request.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filed electronically, by e-mail attachment if available.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-1443-2021
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 26th October 2020 asking for information about products or services related to mobility analysis and data platform software for shared mobility services.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.
Specifically you asked:
“I hereby request the following records:
Records regarding the acquisition, maintenance, upgrade and subscription costs of any products or services related to mobility analysis and data platform software for shared mobility services (for example for the analysis and oversight of shared e-scooter services), including but not limited to the following vendors: Remix, Ride Report, Vianova, or Bluecarsharing (Blue Systems).
Records requested include proposals, invoices, purchase orders, contracts, procurement documents (but not limited to solicitation documents or notices of proposed contracts, proposed bids, unsolicited proposals, and/or documents justifying contracting without full and open competition for free or paid services), agreements for data-sharing, and similar documents under which these companies may be a sub vendor from June 1, 2016 to the date of this request.
I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. However, having liaised with relevant colleagues I understand it is not possible to ascertain exactly what we do and do not hold within the £450 costs limit for responding to FOI cases, as set out in section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. Under section 12, a public authority such as TfL is not required to provide information if it would cost more than £450 (calculated at a rate of £25 per hour) to determine if that information is held, and to then locate, retrieve or extract that infromation from elsewhere. This is largely on account of the open-ended nature of much of the wording of your request, using phrases such as “records”, “for example”, “including but not limited to” and “records requested include….but not limited to”, raher than a request for explicit information relating to specific companies. The broad nature of the request would require a trawl of information from across TfL, and while it is hard to quantify exactly how long this would take I am advised it would exceed the costs limit.
In order to bring your request within the costs limit you may wish to narrow its scope to focus on the information that is of most importance to you - for example, by requesting specific information or documents in relation to specific vendors. In reframing your request you may wish to take account of the guidance published by the Infornation Commissioner on how best to access information from public bodies, published on its website here:
In particular, I would point you to the table of “Dos and Don’ts” that can be found on that page.
If you are considering submitting a further FOI request please think carefully about whether the request is essential at this current time, as answering FOI requests will require the use of limited resources and the attention of staff who could be supporting other essential activity. Where requests are made, please note that our response time may be impacted by the current situation.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely,
David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
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