FOI request detail

The recorded speed of the R70 bus on Broad Lane, Hampton TW12 3AX

Request ID: FOI-1281-2223
Date published: 21 September 2022

You asked

I would like the tachograph speed recordings for each R70 bus traveling in each direction along Broad Lane, Hampton, TW12, to understand the speed these are being driven at. You may confine your answer to a one month period from 24 July 2022 to 24 August 2022, and specifically for the stretch of road between Wensleydale Road and Albury Close.

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-1281-2223

Thank you for your request received on 24 August 2022 asking for information about the R70 bus service.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

We do not hold the information you have a requested as buses do not have tachographs. However, the iBus technology on buses together with any telematics information that individual operators may have on their buses allows operators to conduct monitoring of bus speeds and check compliance with highway limits – which is something they would normally do if complaints were made to them by members of the public. It is legal requirement for bus drivers to drive within the speed limit. Any complaints we received where excess speed is found are reported to the operator. Accordingly, we have passed this information on to Abellio. If you wish to make a complaint directly with the operator, please contact Abellio via email at [email protected], or on 020 7788 8550. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 07:00 - 15:00.

Please find attached the iBus bus speed data we hold for the bus route R70 along Broad Lane between the requested dates of 24 July 2022 to 24 August 2022. The data provided shows all instances where the recorded bus speed was 10% +2mph or more above the road speed for at least 10 seconds. Please note that this data is not intended for use to monitor individual bus speeds and is not subject to the same regulations that tachograph technology must comply with and will not therefore be as accurate as tachograph data.

We are working to eliminate the possibility of buses being able to exceed the speed limit through the introduction of our Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology. ISA limits vehicles to the posted speed limit and is required on all new buses entering the London bus fleet, currently around one in four of the fleet is fitted with this technology. As older vehicles make way to new buses, this will increasingly become a standard feature on a growing proportion of the fleet.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]


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