Request ID: FOI-0841-2425 Date published: 02 July 2024
You asked
XXXX from XXXX had XXXX cab licence revoked .
XXXX is currently under investigation by the register of Osteopaths.
Is it possible to view a transcript of XXXX case.
As with cab drivers all incidents have to be reported to the register of Osteopath
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-0841-2425
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 11th June 2024 asking for information about a black cab driver that has lost their licence. Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.
Specifically you asked:
“XXXX from XXXX had XXXX cab licence revoked. XXXX is currently under investigation by the register of Osteopaths. Is it possible to view a transcript of XXXX case. As with cab drivers all incidents have to be reported to the register of Osteopaths.”
I am afraid I can neither confirm nor deny (NCND) whether TfL holds the requested information. This is in line with the provisions of section 2(1) of the Freedom of Information Act and the guidance provided by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on the use of those provisions, as published on the ICO website here:
As you can see, those guidelines state the following:
“In most cases, you should be able to say whether you hold information relevant to the request. However, there are also cases when confirming or denying information is held can – in itself – disclose information which is exempt or which could prejudice the interest an exemption is there to safeguard.”
“The aim of an NCND response is to leave entirely open the position about whether you hold the requested information so that no inferences can be drawn from an acknowledgement of the fact that information is held or not held.”
In this case, the provision applies because the information you have requested relates to an identifiable third party. To release any information about that third party – including whether we do or do not hold the requested information – would breach our duties under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, the exemption which ensures that the personal information of third parties is not unfairly placed into the public domain, in contravention of data protection law.
I note that you do not state what connection you have with the named person – if any – nor why you think any such information should be made available to you, if it were held. Note that if you are acting on behalf of the named individual then such a request would be handled under data protection law as a Subject Access Request, rather than the Freedom of Information Act. Information on how to submit a Subject Access Request to TfL can be found on our website here: