TfL Ref: FOI-0799-2425
Thank you again for your requests. Firstly, we are pleased you have taken up our offer to meet. Our Local Communities and Partnership team will be in contact to arrange a suitable time and date with you.
Your request for further information has been considered under the terms of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs). I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require.
TfL and Lambeth officers met to discuss the West Dulwich LTN on 9 April 2024. Following the meeting, LB of Lambeth provided further information on their proposal and planned monitoring strategy, which has been reviewed. We wrote to the borough on the 26 April 2024 setting out our view on the proposal and our response is copied below.
“Thank you for supplying the data on the West Dulwich LTN. I took an action from our Lambeth LTN catch up on 9th April to review the West Dulwich proposal, which is now completed and I have discussed with other internal colleagues. Our view on the proposal is outlined below:
From reviewing the LTN proposals and data, our expectation is there would be some increase flows on Lancaster Avenue, Idminston Road, Rosendale Road, Norwood Road, Robson Road and potentially Croxted Road. Based on the 2021 traffic data presented, traffic volumes through the LTN zone are moderate and we would estimate an increase of around 100-200 vehicles per hour around the zone.
Our primary concern would be any impact on the Norwood Road which supports several bus services. We would expect that mitigation measures would be bought forward should there be an impact to buses on this strategic corridor. We would also flag that the change is likely to result in more flow on Lancaster Avenue which would result in increased queuing at the Norwood Road signals. Due to the importance of the Norwood Road bus corridor, we want to be clear that we would be limited in the changes we could make to the traffic signal to mitigate this impact.
We would also have concerns if there were impact to bus services on the A205 Thurlow Park Road, Croxted Road or Robson Road and would request that these form part of the overall monitoring strategy.
Some of the text within the Lambeth LTN Monitoring Strategy is no longer relevant in a post-covid environment. E.g. Rather than avoiding the bus or tube, we’d actively encourage use of these sustainable modes and the support inclusion within publicity associated with the LTN.
We appreciate that the monitoring plan specifically refers to monitoring the effect on bus journey times, but we are not clear on the outcome the borough would accept as a success or require mitigation measures. We would appreciate confirmation from you on what steps would be taken should there be any bus performance concerns and in what timeframes you would investigate and seek to implement such measures.
Given the scope of the scheme, we do not have concerns which would mean we object to the proposal as an experiment, although we do request the additional bus monitoring and mitigation information outlined. We would also request that a TMA notification is submitted due to the potential impact on the Strategic Road Network along Norwood Road”.
As advised previously many of your points about designs or plans and traffic mitigation should be directed to the London Borough of Lambeth who are developing the proposals.
It seems that you were sent the RSA (1) for the Croxted Road scheme rather than Rosendale, in our previous response, by mistake. Please find attached the correct one.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely
Eva Hextall
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London