No. of DLR journeys in peak hours on Woolwich Arsenal line
Request ID: FOI-0777-1920
Date published: 02 July 2019
You asked
Please can you provide:
- the no. of people getting on at a station on the Woolwich Arsenal DLR line and travelling towards Bank or Stratford International at peak times in the morning (6.30am to 9.30am) for every day in the last three months broken down by starting station inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell, Bank, Star Lane, West Ham, Abbey Road, Stratford High Street, Stratford and Stratford International.
- if no. of people travelling towards these destinations is unavailable please provide the total no. of tap ins at every station listed above in the peak hours of the morning (6:30-9:30) for every day in the last three months
- for every station on the Woolwich Arsenal to Bank DLR line (inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell and Bank) please list the no. of journeys started at this station in the peak hours of the morning (6:30-9:30am) broken down by end destination station for every day in the last three months.
- for every station on the Woolwich Arsenal to Bank DLR line (inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell and Bank) please list the no. of journeys started at this station in off hours in the day (9:31am-15:59pm) broken down by end destination station for every day in the last three months.
- - for every station on the Woolwich Arsenal to Bank DLR line (inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell and Bank) please list the no. of journeys started at this station in the peak hours of the evening (16:00pm-19:00pm) broken down by end destination station for every day in the last three months.
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-0777-1920
Thank you for your email received by Transport for London (TfL) on 15 June 2019.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require. You asked for:
- the no. of people getting on at a station on the Woolwich Arsenal DLR line and travelling towards Bank or Stratford International at peak times in the morning (6.30am to 9.30am) for every day in the last three months broken down by starting station inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell, Bank, Star Lane, West Ham, Abbey Road, Stratford High Street, Stratford and Stratford International.
- if no. of people travelling towards these destinations is unavailable please provide the total no. of tap ins at every station listed above in the peak hours of the morning (6:30-9:30) for every day in the last three months
- for every station on the Woolwich Arsenal to Bank DLR line (inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell and Bank) please list the no. of journeys started at this station in the peak hours of the morning (6:30-9:30am) broken down by end destination station for every day in the last three months.
- for every station on the Woolwich Arsenal to Bank DLR line (inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell and Bank) please list the no. of journeys started at this station in off hours in the day (9:31am-15:59pm) broken down by end destination station for every day in the last three months.
- for every station on the Woolwich Arsenal to Bank DLR line (inclusive of Woolwich Arsenal, King George V, London City Airport, Pontoon Dock, West Silvertown, Canning Town, East India, Blackwall, Poplar, Westferry, Limehouse, Shadwell and Bank) please list the no. of journeys started at this station in the peak hours of the evening (16:00pm-19:00pm) broken down by end destination station for every day in the last three months.
Please find the requested data attached. Parts 2, 3 and 4 exclude any journeys where the entry and exit station were the same. It also excludes any journeys where the exit station was unknown.
Please note the data is based on Oyster and contactless data; no journeys made using magnetic paper tickets, or where customers have not tapped upon entering and/or exiting the station, have been included.
Please also note, figures that were less than 5, have been rounded up to 5. We have taken the decision to withhold this information to avoid it being linked to a specific individual. It would be likely that specific individuals could be identified from this information and therefore constitute personal data.
This information is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the FOI Act as disclosure of the exact figures would be a breach of the legislation, specifically the first principle of Article 5 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which requires personal data to be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently. These individuals would have a reasonable expectation that the information we hold about them would not be disclosed in a manner that would identify any particular person and it would be unfair to them to do so. This exemption to the right of access to information is an absolute exemption and not subject to an assessment of whether the public interest favours use of the exemption.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely
Eva Hextall
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
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