Funding for your borough
For Boroughs
This funding can be used for:
- Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Schemes
- Borough Cycle Network Development
- Bus Priority
- Cycle Parking
Local Implementation Plans (LIPs)
We offer financial support to London's 33 local authorities for schemes to improve their transport networks in line with Mayor's Transport Strategy objectives. This includes the Safer Corridors funding and Neighbourhoods funding that is allocated by a formula reflecting transport need across London, and bus and cycling project funding following TfL analysis about where the best opportunities lie for investment with best impacts. Find out more about LIP funding.
Liveable Neighbourhoods
We fund projects that encourage walking, cycling and public transport use through the Liveable Neighbourhoods fund. We have now resumed funding for existing Liveable Neighbourhoods.
Cycle training funding
Each borough is allocated funding to deliver Bikeability and Cycle Skills training to ensure cycling training is available to adults and children throughout London.
Cycle parking funding
We provide funding to your borough for cycle parking to support the delivery of the Cycle Parking Implementation Plan.
Mayor's Air Quality Fund
The Mayor's Air Quality fund (MAQF) supports projects in London's boroughs that help improve air quality in our capital. This includes the Low Emission Neighbourhoods fund.
Bus Priority
Bus travel is a core part of the sustainable transport network as well as being affordable, inclusive and accessible. Buses carry more people than any other mode (aside from walking) on central London's streets and over a third of all journeys are made by low-income Londoners.
It is therefore essential that buses work efficiently and reliably and are an attractive option. Our Bus Action Plan sets out how we will achieve this. London Boroughs play a crucial role in realising the potential of the bus and meeting this target and as such TfL provides funding for to support bus lane delivery, and to deliver additional schemes that improve bus journey times.
Road renewals and bridge strengthening
We allocate for the Borough Principal Road Network to continue condition surveys, address high priority sites, and provide funding towards borough bridge maintenance.
For community groups
ULEZ Support offers
To help people make the switch to cleaner forms of transport, there are exclusive ULEZ support offers for successful scrappage scheme applicants, as well as offers for all London residents to take advantage of, whether they applied to the scrappage scheme or not. These offers are for a limited time only.
Walking and cycling grant
Walking and Cycling Grants London is a programme which supports London's diverse communities to walk and cycle more often and more safely. It offers grants to projects of up to £10,000 over a 3-year period.