Statement from London’s Transport Commissioner as Simon Kilonback to leave TfL

10 January 2022

After 12 years at Transport for London (TfL), Simon Kilonback, TfL's Chief Finance Officer (CFO), has made the difficult decision to leave the organisation in April to take on an exciting new challenge as CFO of G.Network -  a fast-growing full fibre broadband provider with a focus on London. 

Simon has had an impressive career at TfL, starting in 2009 as Group Treasurer, later becoming Director of Corporate Finance and then CFO in 2017. He played a central role in bringing TfL to the cusp of financial sustainability before the pandemic and has worked to make TfL ever more efficient. He has been key to stabilising TfL finances during the pandemic, securing support from Government and setting TfL on a path to future financial sustainability.

Andy Byford, London's Transport Commissioner, said:

'The contribution of the CFO to organisations like TfL often goes without fanfare. But the challenges we have faced as an organisation and the absolute centrality of efficiency within our business have meant that Simon's phenomenal contribution has been plain for all to see. He leaves TfL a more efficient and effective organisation than ever before and has put in the most remarkable of shifts to stabilise TfL through the ravages of the pandemic and to set us on a path to future financial sustainability. His work will leave a lasting important legacy from which we will continue to build and we thank him for everything he has done.'

A successor to Simon as CFO will be confirmed in due course.