
17554 requests found

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Do you have a copy of the road traffic order for the change from 40mph to 30mph on the dual carriage way with no street lighting as a restricted road is one with street lighting no more than...

Revenue generate through TfL and TSBA for brand/licensing management in 2018 & 2019

TFL has closed bridges for cyclists, please can you disclose the forecasts of Increased number of cycle journeys Reduced use of public transport The impact on total number of car journeys Increase...

I would like to request the following Information regarding the – Network Information & Coordinator Manager based at the London Underground Control Centre: 1.) The total number of positions...

Dear Transport for London, On 6 May 2020, a press release from the Mayor’s office stated (cf.

Hi, Hope you are well. I am looking for tube journeys for last month with a breakdown of which lines has been used. I have access to the Public Transport Journeys by Type of Transport however...

Dear Transport for London, I am currently working on a project in which I am analysing the number of passengers of urban cable cars. Therefore I wanted to ask if I could provide me with the...

Dear Transport for London, Please provide the total cost of installing and in due course dismantling all the temporary extensions made and planned to be made across the whole of London to meet...

Dear Transport for London I write to request the PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES which support your mandating of masks on public transport. This is to determine whether your threat to punish...

I am writing to request the PEER REVIEWED STUDIES which support your mandating of masks on public transport. Please provide as a matter of urgency.