
17535 requests found

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Average speed camera Would you kindly advise me how many Notices of Intended Prosecution have been issued with regard to speeding offences recorded by cameras situated on the A40 between: A40...

1) how many people have been actually paid but our system did not pick it up and requests for a fine by paid, 2) how many people actually paid the fine (just so they don’t have to go through...

Hello. By law, net revenue from the Congestion Charge must be spent on further improvements to transport across London. I would like to find out how much money from the congestion charge...

Hello, heres my reason for request. I am working on a simulator based in the South west, west & north west areas of London, I will need this ibus as it will be put on the vehicles for the game.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to request information regarding the yellow box junction on the intersection of Lewisham High Street / Longbridge Way. Can you advise...

According to your press release the 20 new Wrightbus H2 Fuel Cell buses will be powered by H2 produced as a "by-product" of a chlor-alkali plant. What is the GHG footprint of hydrogen in...

Hi, I'm a bus enthusiast that thoroughly London's buses. I'd like to request all of the iBus announcements via CD or digital download I wish to obtain the stop and destination announcements If...

I wonder if you would send me a copy of the file that you sent to another FOI requester – containing Entry and Exit data for TfL stations from 2018 onwards. I have the data up to 2017, but from...

Are you able to send me where the London ulez cameras are

F/on from FOI-0400 Thanks for this email and apologies for my procrastinated response. I would like to know how many Congestion charge penalty notices were issued before, during and after the...