
17554 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please could I access data that details the types of Streetspace initiatives and their locations across London which were developed over the pandemic.

Dear Sir/Madam, Could please answer the following as a FOI request: 1) What bus routes are to be withdrawn entirely or re routed in the foreseeable future? 2) Will buses in Central and...

1: Is TFL congestion charge a service? and/or is it considered a privilege to drive in the congestion zone? 2: Is the congestion charge a law on the road or a rule? 3: With a significant...

Could I request copies of the timetable and/or plans for safeguarding work (see below). • Ongoing engagement with the DfT with regard to updating the Safeguarding Directions and a timetable...

We would like to request a breakdown of the vehicles you currently have licensed as PHVs. Out of the total PHVs you license we would like to know the made (what company makes them - Mercedes/BMW/Audi...

1. The total number private hire drivers currently licensed by Transport for London (“drivers”); including a breakdown of the results by reference to the drivers’: (a) ethnicity; and (b) gender. 2....

Dear Transport for London, What evidence did the Mayor and TfL use to make facemasks mandatory from the 19th when there is little peer review work done on it? Also has TfL done any assessment...

Please can you provide me with the following information with regards to Taxi Licensing: 1. The Licensing Manager's contact details including telephone number and email address. 2. The Digital...

1 How much money has the council, including as part of the 2M group or any other coalition of councils, paid for legal services, including any retainers, agreements, contracts, from Harrison...

Dear Transport for London, The Mayor of London has tweeted this week (week beginning 12/7/21) that, "There is overwhelming evidence that face masks reduce the transmission of COVID" and that,...