
17554 requests found

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I would like to know the total revenue spent on advertising the news that TFL are freezing fares - on all platforms - to include newspapers, digital advertising boards, radio and TV adverts and...

Dear Sir/Madam, Hi, I am <redacted>. I am writing to obtain the information regards the number of passenger on Friday for peak and off-peak hours respectively. Under the Freedom of Information...

To whom it may concern, I am writing to enquire about the ownership of a stretch of road and bridge that I am struggling to identify whose ownership it comes under. The road in question is...

Dear Sir Under the Freedom of Information Act, please can you tell me: 1. Prior to the pandemic in 2019, how many bus routes there were between Hammersmith gyratory and Heathfield Terrace,...

What is the average salary for a Q3 grade

Dear to whom it may concern I'm a PhD student researching in the field of public transport I’d like to include London in the research, so I need some data. It is important that the data is...

I would like to request any information regarding cycling on the A5, anywhere from Marble Arch all the way up to Brent Cross. To include: a) Any assessments on the adequacy for cycling on any...

1. Will there be restrictions on who can use the new Silvertown Tunnel that is currently being built between North Greenwich and Silvertown? 2. Will the restrictions apply at all times or only...

would it be possible send me new tariff for April 2024 the full sheet not just in percentage

1. The number of individuals who took the Knowledge of London (KOL) exam. The number of individuals who successfully passed the KOL exam. 2. The average scores achieved by the exam takers. 3....