
17497 requests found

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Crossrail 2: I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can your organisation provide in Excel CSV format, the following information: a) The...

Dear Transport for London, I am requesting information on all the buses assigned to each bus route in London. Clarification: I’m requesting the type of bus assigned to each bus route - for example...

The Operation and performance committee held on 13 July 2022 included a statistic of increased cycling seen on your automatic counters. The dates of the counts were said to be March to Mid June...

1. What are reasons for the unproportional and unreasonable delay in processing my application and what is the average time in processing a PCO driver's licence when an applicant has met their...

We are investigating the presence and any subsequent removal of asbestos materials within the London Underground, Golder’s Green train depot between the years of 1974 – 1981 or thereafter. We...

Hello TFL, I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from TFL. Please may you provide me with: 1. Which companies, specialising in electric...

Please could you send me the details of the number of disorder incidents you have experienced on the Tube since April 2019 and the associated delays each one has caused to your performance. If...

Good morning, I would like to know how many electric vehicles (unique vehicles) entered the ULEZ daily since the day of the expansion, so starting from October 25th 2021? And which is the percentage...

F/on from FOI-1232 Please can you confirm the total number of ULEZ charges issues per month in 2022.

Please tell me, for each of the last 12 months: 1 How many times was step-free access suspended at a tube station because of staffing issues 2 How many times was step-free access suspended at...