
17535 requests found

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Follow-up from TfL Ref: 1776-2223. Thank you, Jasmine. Can you forward me the pdf files for the Central & Jubilee Line stickers for Bond Street

Dear Sir / Madam, GENDER-NEUTRAL, LESBIAN & GAY SYMBOLS ON TRAFFIC LIGHTS this is a repeat of an e-mail I sent back in April as, just last Sunday, I came across one of these just off Trafalgar...

YBJ outside Lewisham Fire station

As a qualification body & regulator of the London Taxi trade, has TFL ever provided advice, guidance or training for taxi drivers of the occupational dangers to their health, due to toxic harmful...

Contract 1 - contact centre/call centre contracts Please send me the following information for each provider: 1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with...

F/on from FOI-0557 Further to your disclosure below, please can we have your records relating to the monthly inspections carried out over a one year period from November 2020 to November 2021...

Hi, I'm after some updated passenger data: - entries and exists per stations for 2022 YTD including Cross-rail - split per 15 mins increment - any update on the RODS data from 2017: e.g....

When events are held at Twickenham stadium there is a lot of stress placed on local transport infrastructure. With the 2025 rugby world cup being held in Twickenham I would like to ask:- 1)...

Dear TfL FOI team, FOIA requests to local authorities in London show that a growing number of public EV chargepoints have been installed on the TLRN. Please could you provide the following...

Follow-up from TfL Ref: 1913-2223. As a further follow up, I am wondering what the the status of the London Cable Car (or whatever it's now called) is in relation to the LCS system. The information...