
17539 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please can you provide me with data on the number of advertising frames (including sheets, posters, billboards, digital signs etc...) on the Transport for London network in Greater London. I...

F/on from FOI-3176 Under the Freedom of Information ACT, can you please provide me with the number of External employer, Computer Science Corporate (CSC) employees TUPE to LUL/TFL 2008/2009,...

Dear Transport for London, In 2015 or so (see axonometric diagrams of "section 12" stations were put into the public...

Dear Sir Under the FOI Act could you please supply details of the number of sex toys found by TfL staff and recorded as 'lost property' from 2019 onwards. I would like the FOI to be viewed...

Electronic copies of borough healthy streets delivery plans, TfL informal feedback and TfL funding letters to boroughs. See p3 in October 2022 guidance for what I am referring to: Please...

I require copies of emissions for every single separate bus operated by tfl

Good afternoon, I have compiled two lists which can be seen below, "Individuals" and "TFL Staff". Please could I have a copy of all correspondence over the time period 5th May 2016 to the...

is it possible to send me the plans of the new lay out of the roundabout as TFL have only sent out information ans no pictures of plans or final complition

I think this is now my 4th email to get an update on my application process. It has nearly been 2 months since I have passed my topographical exam but I have not had any update on my license...

Please could I have the age breakdown of taxi drivers licensed for the first time during 2022. Thanks.