
17609 requests found

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This is an information request relating to the number of staff who are allowed to work from abroad. Please include the following information, for the 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 financial years: • The...

I write regarding the A232 Croydon Flyover. During early 2020 TfL told local residents that the speed reduction from 40mph to 30mph was an "interim" measure pending street lighting improvement,...

Please provide all supporting data (assessed or collated by Imperial) used in the analysis to support tfl’s Ulez recommendation.

Hi Please could you tell me how much you are paying Capita to run the ULEZ scheme both in total and per year. Also, what procurement process did you use to determine which company was best...

I note TFL quote a saving of 4000 lives due to pollution in air as part of the justification of ULEZ expansion. Can I please see this analysis, and also the analysis for excess deaths you must...

I request that you send me a break down of the money you received from ULEZ charges of how much and what it is spent on. Including the expanded ULEZ zone what % of money made will go on what...

Under the freedom of information act I formally ask that you provide the following information 1 how much money, and has it been approved through proper channels, is in the budget for armouring...

Please could you send me the position/location/GPS co-ordinates for all of the ULEZ cameras under your control

I am interested in relatively new locations, within the last 24 months where camera enforcement has been introduced. can you confirm how many YBJ's have been introduced as well as any bus...

Under the FOI, I would like to be provided with the documents explaining how after spending nearly £20Bn on Crossrail, stations including Seven Kings, Forest Gate and Maryland were not extended...