
17617 requests found

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The information you have provided is very useful and will greatly inform and benefit my project. The images I have screens hotted below seem to have been generated from a 3 Dimensional model...

1. For either street works or road works please state how many times you have fined organisations for overrunning in (i) 2014/15 and (ii) 2015/16 and (iii) the current financial year....

How many drivers are working on the UB£R 'platform'. Surely you must realised that London has now gone past breaking point with PH licences being churned out as quick as they can. Can you tell...

Good morning, I am currently undertaking some research into the highways schedules of the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill, soon to become an Act of Parliament pending Royal Assent....

Awaiting Acknowledgement/Response on below FOI request. I have been wanting to send a freedom of information request relating to the Organisation’s existing contracts relating to facilities...

Please could you tell me how many Oyster/contactless journeys were made to each possible destination from North Greenwich station on Tuesday 21 February 2017. Please also include journeys that...

I did also ask for figures in December 2015 and for the Greater London area. Could I add if possible the number of commercial vehicles within the congestion zone for the same period or do I have...

To whom it may concern In the light of the recent news about the amount of money the councils collect from the images captured by bus lane cameras is the reason for requesting the following....

How many individual bus journeys have been taken in Greater London every month since January 2016? I would appreciate the most up to date figures, ideally as a month-by-month break-down from...

Could you please provide me with the following information for staff driving vehicles on the road: The number of LU Staff per year, going back as far as records have been kept or are available,...