
17541 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Could you please supply all emails held by Mr Garrett Emmerson that contain the word Uber between 15 December 2013 and 15 January 2014 (inclusive).

Please may I request all correspondence and documents of any nature relating to the contents and events described in this Daily Telegraph article: The...

i) How many FOI requests were received by TFL in the 2017? ii) How many of these requests were responded to within the statutory time limit? iii) In the previous 12 months, how many complaints...

1. As part of your consideration of cuts, in what ways, if any, did you take into account safety? 2. How much money does the reduction from three to two buses per hour save you? 3. What % increase...

When deciding a private hire operators application TFL conduct a pre licence inspection visit to the proposed operating centre, Can you supply me a detailed catalog of what and how the licensing...

Please can you send me all the reports and papers (internal or external) that give estimates of the number of vehicles to be covered by the T-charge (and revenues to be raised), along with the...

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Could you please send me the following information: • The aggregate number of annual visitors and hits...

Please provide me with any documents, reports or emails regarding the current state of implementation of the Future Ticketing Programme.

To see the interim TfL Headline consultation report sent to Hounslow council regarding CS9

Can you please send me the agendas, minutes and attendance for / of the Healthy Streets Portfolio Board, in the period January 2017 to present.