
17497 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

What date were the two cameras installed? What was the cause(s) for the speed limit being reduced from 40mph to 30mph? (Death, major incident)

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to receive as much information as is possible relating to the amount TFL is billed for it's gas & electricity in the last financial year.

With reference to my previous FOI request FOI-4831-1718, (1) please provide me with any data that was used to calculate that 9000 figure was/is achievable also the year/years this study took...

Under the freedom of information act, I want to know how many days in 2017 there was a problem on District Line, Richmond branch including a a cancelled train.

I am seeking 'actual' web traffic data for the website and its apps, in order to assess the accuracy of companies who estimate that data. I have not located web traffic data on your...

What facilities have been installed and how much has TfL spent on providing dedicated motorcycle parking facilities (including theft prevention / secure facilities) in the last three years. Recently,...

I’d be grateful for a copy of the current DLR Working Timetable. This request is similar to

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to know how effective the Taxi Delicensing Scheme is being at reduscing air pollution. Specifically, I would like to know how many taxis have been taken off London's...

I would like to ask about number of CCTV footage requests you get per year in general and for each of your the transportation channels you operate.

I wish to make a request under the freedom of information act for information that relates to all the personal injury reports that have been made in the last 10 years where pedestrians have been...