
17497 requests found

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Hi FOI Thank you for your kind and informative response to FOI-2660-2324/GH Further to that request, please may I request that you share any information relating to how TfL procures data...

Ever since the Hampstead branch opened in 1909 Northern line trains approaching Camden Town have entered the southbound platform at about 30 mph or more whilst braking to a stop. But for several...

Please supply the following information: 1. How many PCNs were issued in respect of alleged contraventions based on photographs from the Pentonville Road/Claremont Square West camera on 24.11.23? 2....

To whom it may concern, I hope this email finds you well. Under the Freedom of Information Act Regulations, I am writing to request specific information regarding the recent implementation of...

Over the summer (2023) you upgraded the traffic lights at this junction and pushed the traffic island on east side of Thurlow Park Road (Forest Hill side) back from the junction by about 25 yards....

Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following information: The cost of mobile camera units to capture vehicles non-compliant with the Ultra Low Emission Zone, between...

Please can you provide the number of people who use TFL who are Blind Sight impaired Disabled For the year 2022 and 2023. I understand this maybe simply the amount of people who hold a...

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please supply me with the following statistics: 1. The number of vehicle observations made on 25 December 2023 by ULEZ expansion cameras 2. The percentage...

The definition of a “road bridge” in the ‘Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure A Code of Practice’ is a structure with a span of 1.5m or more providing public highway passage for motor vehicles...

1. Relating to the expansion of the ULEZ to Greater London only (so from 29 August 2023) please can you tell me how many non compliant vehicles have been identified by the mobile cameras (as...