
17497 requests found

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Could I please gain access to the TFL data on London Black Taxi Driver and Green Badge Holder age data for the last ten years. The only available figures seem to be from the latest year, which...

Are you able to supply a copy in pdf format of the new PAYG Map (v14?) dated May 2018 as referred to on page 5 of the Ticketing and Revenue Update edition 109 of April/May 2018.

Would you be able to supply an updated list of the attached please.

I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act for the following information: Motor Vehicles registered for public hire i.e. Taxi or Chauffeur hire relating to the period...

F/on from FOI-2292-1718 Earlier this year you kindly assisted me with acquiring occupation/utilization data for several cycle docking stations in Victoria (see below correspondence). Would you...

Hi is possible to get the number of people,that have signed on to the Knowledge by month for this year.

We are conducting a survey of the level of public authority support for the development and expansion of Britain’s railway network for use in a non-commercial report into recommended rail routes,...

On 2018-07-24, I noticed there is a functional well-tuned piano at Kings Cross London Underground station which appears to be for use by the general public. Hereinafter, 'Musical Instrument'...

TfL engineering have undergone a transformation process. The individuals required to complete a scenario and were scored against that scenario and allocated roles. Can you please provide the...

Would you be able to provide me with the requested information for all red route network bus lanes, please? So that's the number of bus lane infringement PCNs issued on each Bank Holiday date,...