
17535 requests found

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I hope this new information request finds this case management team with time to give feedback before September 12. This last response was helpful, but I am in need of knowing the exact dates...

Please can you provide the following data. How many allegations have been made over payment devices not being available for use in London taxis? How many hearings have been held in relation...

Dear Sir or Madam, I’m looking for a comprehensive list of Private Hire Operators within London. I can’t seem to find such a list on your website. Ideally I would like such a list to contain...

Please can you provide details of the amount Oyster income from ticket machines for each of the below stations for the periods 1 April 2016-31 March 17 and 1 April 17 to 12 November 17? New...

Dear Transport for London, I am currently working on the usage of the London station project. However, I could not find data about the usage of DLR stations. So could you kindly provide latest...

Obtain historical data illustrating the actual volume of usage of the TFL.GOV.UK website, for the past two years. This will be used to compare against third party estimates of the same data,...

F/on from FOI-1113 Would it be at all possible to get this list again, but this time with the address the operators are registered at, and the number of vehicles registered to the operator.

I would like the obtain the evidence base on the re-opening of Camberwell Station. I would also like to have the disclosure of any correspondence between TfL and DfT on the topic and any advice...

Can you please provide me with the Transport for London’s: • Procedure for managing tube drivers involved in fatal incidents • Process to ensure tube drivers are fit to drive a train before...

A number of TfL contracted bus routes have recently been retendered in tranches 631, 635 and 640 and new route contracts awarded. I would like to know what route options (e.g. extensions, alternative...