
17554 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please provide me with a age profile/breakdown of the current 23,395 licensed taxi driver number

is it possible to give me any corresponding emails between mike brown of TfL and Dara Khosrowshahi CEO of Uber please between the dates of 19th August and 19th September 2019....thankyou

Various questions about highway bond provision

I would like to know the purpose of this particular camera: 9738 Falloden Way / Northway / Hill Rise Specifically, I'd like to know which Parking and Moving Traffic Contraventions you have issued...

I wish to understand how the decision was taken to progress the creation of a second entrance at Southwark Tube station and the rationale for this. Please supply any documentation in relation...

In recent years the amount of tube noise has increased considerably. The tracks underneath Defoe was originally constructed in a way to eliminate noise above 30hz, however these frequencies can...

I would like a copy of the road maintenance and repairs from March 2018 the road in question is A22 Godstone Road.

I'd like to know the cost of TFL's 'nominee' travel passes over the last five years, divided by financial year. (By 'nominee' pass, I am referring to the reward scheme which offers free travel...

Hello, 1. How many people are currently employed by Transport for London? 2. How many Transport for London employees currently have a nominee pass? 3. How many employees of London bus operators...

F/on from FOI-1450-1819 I am not sure what I have been sent? I never requested a list of registration numbers. I requested a fleet list of London Underground units please? I am grateful for...