
17497 requests found

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In accordance with the Freedom of Information act, please could you please complete the following table detailing monies handed out to companies by Crossrail Ltd in relation to central station...

Under the FOI Act how many millions of pounds has TFL received in penalties charges on yellow box junctions as I have noticed that there is no blue warning signs warning drivers that there is...

In accordance with the Freedom of Information act, please could you disclose any additional payments and their terms agreed between contractors working on central stations and Crossrail Ltd outside...

Dear Sir, I am happy to contact Transport for London, we have the greatest respect for your expertise. I am a PhD researcher and am doing research trying to apply the technology in safety at...

Follow on from IRV-098-1819 Many thanks for this comprehensive response. I would now like to request under the FOI act the guidelines given to those individuals assessing the Showman's Vehicle...

ID FOI 5056-1718 (20.4.18) reply gave the TFL vehicle fleet by fuel type as Diesel: 982 Hydrid: 59 Electric: 15 Petrol: 12 Hydrogen: 12. Question 1. Is TfL continuing to buy/acquire diesel or...

I am requesting a CD of the the Jubilee and Northern and Piccadilly lines stock announcements. (1973/1995/1996 stocks). These announcements are produced by Ketech (previously known as Ditra)...

1. The minutes, redacted as necessary, of Crossrail board meeting held in October, November and December 2018. 2. The dates of all board meetings held or scheduled to be held this year. 3. The...

Please could you tell me the number of SPADs (Signals Passed at Danger) that have occurred over the last 12 months starting from January 22nd 2018 on the TfL Rail Services that will serve the...

Thank you for publishing your spend data here: However, I notice that you haven't published any spending data since...