
17550 requests found

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requesting tree surgeons report from the night of above

I am writing a research report on compliance with traffic regulation. Please could I request the following datasets: 1. Volume (number) and value (£) of congestion charge (CC) fines handed out,...

I wish to find out the following: 1) How many times did the lift service at Star Lane station break down in: a) 2017 b) 2018 c) 2019 (to date) 2) What was the total amount spent on rescuing...

Please tell me how many individual passenger journeys were made on the TfL network on each Saturday in March 2019 and on each Saturday in March 2018

I wish to make a second FOI request: I understand that modifications have been made to rail mountings to reduce ground-transmitted vibration in response to complaints from residents who live...

Could you please provide full details as to the thermostat settings for air cooling and heating on S7 and S8 stock trains on the Underground? Including for instance, what is the target temperature...

1. Can you please tell me how many Knowledge of London examiners have been signed off from work by TfL with a mental health issue within the last 2 years? 2. Can you please tell me what mental...

Can you please let me know how many CCTV cameras are currently being operated by TFL in London?

Under freedom of information I request that TFL let me know the total number of PCNs issued at the Rotherhithe Tunnel Approach under the contravention code 52G since the new contravention came...

Please could you respond to the following request for information made under The Freedom of Information Act in response to the resale or auction of mobile and smartphone devices recovered through...