
17617 requests found

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Please can you provide me with a copy of the risk assessment in to driving a train on LuL and TfL Rail? Are the Union H&S reps involved in these risk assessments? Clarification: Please have...

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information: Total number of incidents in TfL area involving HGV’s for the past two years Breakdown of incidents relative to seriousness...

Under the Freedom of Information ACT, can you please provide me with a breakdown of Surface Transport wage bill actual and difference to budget for the financial year 2018/19 and 2019/20. Could...

I would like to request the following files: • Announcements for all London Underground lines available. • Announcements for ‘class 345’ trains. • Announcements for Docklands Light Railway. • Any...

Under the Freedom of Information ACT, can you please provide me with the Property Management Payband 4 minimum, average and maximum salary.

Dear Transport for London, Regarding your response to my second question [case ref FOI-1234-1920], under the FOI Act I would like to further know whether there were any "extenuating circumstances"...

Could you please let me know the number of times and dates Canada Water station had been partially closed due to overcrowding/congestion since January 2017 until the most recent date? This includes...

F/on from FOI-1354 I will revise my request. Are you able to provide a list of job titles and job descriptions, with salaries if possible, without salaries if it takes it over the cost limit,...

Who is the owner of the land currently occupied by Vauxhall Bus Station? Who is the owner of the land between the bus station and the island site? Who is the owner of the island site? What area...

1. During the first 2 months of the LEZ charging scheme (from the 8th April to the 7th June) how many foreign registered vehicles have entered the LEZ? 2. Of those how many were you able to positively...