
17497 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, Can you tell me please when the last unmet demand survey was carried out on behalf of the london licence taxi trade for Putney and also Richmond Surrey . Thank you...

1. Since the Rotherhithe Tunnel weight restriction was reduced to 2 tonnes on 21 September 2018, how many small good vehicles over 2T have been fined as a result of using the Tunnel to date (30...

You are querying the DVLA database, but do not get the vehicle type in return? [Ref FOI-2106-1920] N1 for light goods vehicle, N2 for above 3.5 tons My request is about the number of fines for...

Could you please send me a copy of your policy and procedure for the use of body worn camera.

The Taxi Drivers Handbook is referred to in TFL Ref: FOI-0589-1718. Please disclose a copy of the entire handbook (PDF copy is fine).

Please can I have 1. The invite list to the TfL Bus Safety Summit for 2019 2. The agenda of TfL Bus Safety Summit for 2019 3. The minutes of TfL Bus Safety summit 2018 inclusive of action points...

Under the Freedom of Information act please could I request a full list of all the sub-contractors/suppliers that are/were involved on the Plumstead Maintenance Facility under the main contractors...

Re. Proposed re-alignment of highway at Devonshire Grove and Asylum Road (off Old Kent Road) London, SE15 1NZ Requests info including reports, consultations, plans etc re above.

I would like to know the full administration costs involved in each age category of child zip Oyster cards. Why is there a £5 increase in the administration cost per age group, i.e., 5-11 years...

I would like to know through Freedom of Information Act, how many people have applied for the full-time Customer Service Assistant position, and how many of those passed the first online stage....